Eco-Friendly Chemicals – Safe, Convenient, Environmentally Friendly Alternative

How It Works
Product Benefits
- Eliminate the inconvenience and safety hazards associated with handling heavy drums, liquids and hazardous chemicals
- Eliminate employee chemical exposure, liquid pouring and splash hazards
- Eliminate hazardous chemical spills
- Eliminate the need for chemical drums, drum storage, disposal and landfill issues
- Save space or free-up space for alternative purposes
- Minimise waste and improve environmental performance
- Reduce warehousing, handling and transportation costs
- Compatible with existing pumps, controllers and test kits
- Full technical support and training available
- Guaranteed quality and performance
Highly Concentrated
Accepta’s waterless solid chemical products are highly concentrated containing between 97% and 100% active ingredients.
No fillers or other product modifiers are added.
This makes them much smaller and lighter than their liquid equivalents. They are therefore far easier and safer to handle, store and transport.
Proven, State of the Art Technology
Formulated from proven, state of the art chemical technologies our solid chemicals deliver like-for-like, or better, scale prevention, corrosion protection, microbial control; and fouling minimisation when compared to their liquid equivalents.
Easy to Handle – Eliminate Manual Handling of Heavy Drums
Our solid chemicals are significantly smaller and lighter than their liquid equivalents. This makes them far easier to transport, handle and dose, and helps to eliminate the health and safety risks; and liability issues associated with the handling of heavy drums; and storage of liquids and hazardous chemicals.
Our lightweight solid chemicals will not spill or leak making them safe and easy to handle. Our largest bottled product weighs only 5.5kg, and our small baton products weigh less than 0.5kg.
Eliminate Chemical Exposure Risks
Eliminate the potential for chemical contact, health and exposure issues.
All products are fully encapsulated in either 100% recyclable plastic bottles or water soluble wrappers.
The chemical dissolution process employed is fully automated using Accepta’s specialist dosing systems which further eliminates the potential for unwanted chemical contact.
Eliminate Hazardous Spills & Splashes
Manufactured in a solid form these chemicals will not spill or leak even if the outer bottle or packaging is damaged. This eliminates the hazards associated with punctured drums, hazardous spills; and the need for bunding and chemical pouring.
They also eliminate the potential for noxious odours or hazardous fumes; often a problem with liquid chemicals.
Save on Plant Room, Storage & Warehouse Space
The storage and warehousing requirements for traditional liquid chemicals can be significant; and sometimes inconvenient where space is limited or required for alternative purposes.
Such storage problems are often exacerbated by the need to store used and empty drums prior to disposal.
Storage and warehousing problems are virtually eliminated with our solid products which come in small volume plastic bottles (5.5 Kg) and even smaller solid batons (0.5 Kg), packed in recyclable cardboard boxes.
The additional storage problems presented by used and empty drums are completely eliminated as the empty plastic bottles and cardboard packaging can simply be recycled as general waste.
Additionally, all our dosing systems are designed to be wall mounted. This minimises the space required for equipment and chemicals and keeps working areas neat and tidy; and free from tripping hazards.
Go Green – Minimise Waste & Improve Your Environmental Performance
Accepta’s solid chemicals are engineered to be fully consumed at the point of application to leave no waste. All product packaging including individual plastic bottles and outer are designed to be 100% recyclable.
Our solid batons come in a water soluble wrapper thereby eliminating waste packaging, chemical contact; health and exposure issues.
Landfill – Eliminate Empty Drum Storage & Drum Disposal
All our product bottles and outer packaging can be recycled as general waste. This eliminates empty drum storage, drum disposal and landfill issues.
Reduce Transport, Warehousing & Handling Costs
One full case of Accepta’s highly concentrated, waterless solid chemical weighs less than 22 Kg but will deliver as much active chemical as 115 to 375 litres of a liquid (depending on the manufacturers’ solution strength).
A 200 litre drum of liquid chemical typically weighs over 220 Kg.
Containing no water makes our solid products significantly smaller by volume and lighter than their traditional liquid chemical equivalents making them easier to move around and store.
As a result, warehousing, transportation and handling costs can be significantly reduced.
Complete Compatibility with Existing Pumps, Controllers & Analysis Equipment
Our solid products have been developed to be controlled and analysed using the same pumps, feed activation systems, controllers and test kits as those used in feeding and controlling liquid chemicals.
On line monitoring of system cycles, feed activated by demand, and other types of feed and control are the same as those used for liquid chemicals.
Our solid products require lower solution strengths and because of this, overfeed or underfeed of our products is seldom an issue.
Additional Information & Support
If you would like to learn more about our range of safe, eco-friendly solid chemicals please contact our chemical specialists on +44 (0) 161 877 2334 or complete and submit our technical support form.