Dipslides & Dipslide Incubators
Accepta’s range of precision, professional quality incubators have been developed to support the controlled incubation of dipslides, agar plates and other microbiological test methods that require carefully controlled temperature incubation procedures.
Dipslide Incubators
A dipslide incubator is a critical component of any microbiological monitoring and control programme where a constant, carefully regulated incubation temperature is essential to achieve accurate results. The UK Health & Safety Executives Approved Code of Practice and Guidance (ACoP) L8 document dealing with the control of legionella bacteria in water systems requires weekly monitoring of microbiological activity and this can be achieved using Accepta’s dipslides and incubators.
Accepta’s range of dipslide incubators includes a highly portable 2 dipslide incubator a 10 and larger 25 slide incubator. Our 25 slide incubator is ideal for water treatment engineers who have a routine requirement to monitor a large number of cooling towers whilst mobile.
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