Chlorine Dioxide Tank Cleaning Kit
Mixing the samples of AX2 and AV8-2 at a 1:1 volume ratio will produce a 1000mg/l (nominal) solution of chlorine dioxide.
Important Information:
- Safety data sheets are provided for both products as well one for acidic chlorine dioxide solutions up to 2000mg/l. Ensure you have carried out your own COSHH / risk assessments and produced method statements before generating activated solutions for application.
- We recommend that solutions with a chlorine dioxide concentration greater than 50mg/l are handled in an area with plenty of ventilation, PPE should be worn if exposure limits are exceeded (or likely to be).
- High strength solutions should be used immediately and not stored as they may degrade plastic storage containers over time. Any unused solution should be disposed of immediately – contact Accepta Ltd if you need further guidance on this.
- Agitation of chlorine dioxide solutions will lead to loss of chlorine dioxide gas from solution.
- This general procedure covers the generation of a chlorine dioxide solution, it is intended to work alongside (or be incorporated into) your own method statement covering the introduction of the solution into your system.
General Procedure:
1. Determine your preferred method for applying the chlorine dioxide solution to your system (tank addition, injection, venturi etc.) and produce a suitable method statement for this part of the task
2. Carry out your own COSHH / risk assessment and ensure all risk mitigation measures are in place.
3. Label an appropriately sized HDPE container (bucket or keg) as “1000mg/l acidic chlorine dioxide solution”
4. Use the following formulae to determine volumes of product required for mixing and injection rate of the combined / activated solution (where relevant):
Volumes of product to mix (litres) = ClO2 Target (mg/l) / 2000 x Volume of system water to be treated (litres)
Injection rate of activated solution (%) = ClO2 Target Concentration (mg/l) x 0.1
5. Add the required volume of ACTIV-OX-2 into your labelled container first.
6. Next add the same volume of ACTIV8-2 with gentle mixing (DO NOT agitate with force).
7. Apply the solution to the system using your preferred method.
8. Safely dispose of any unused 1000mg/l chlorine dioxide solution
9. Wash and prepare the empty containers for storage or disposal.
Target chlorine dioxide concentration in system: 25mg/l
Volume of water to be treated: 200 litres
Volumes of product required = 25 / 2000 x 200
= 0.0125 x 200
= 2.5 litres
Required quantities:
2.5 litres of AX 2
2.5 litres of AV82
This example produces a total combined volume of 5 litres solution with a strength of 1000mg/l chlorine dioxide by mixing 2.5 litres of AX2 with 2.5 litres of AV82
Injection rate = 25 x 0.1
= 2.5%
i.e. 2.5 litres of activated 1000mg/l Chlorine dioxide solution per 100 litres of water flow
Safety, Storage & Handling
For full details concerning safety precautions, storage and handling procedures for this product please refer to the latest Safety Data Sheet. To request the latest MSDS for this product please fill out the form below.