Huwa-San for Water Features
Huwa-San is a powerful, highly effective, broad-spectrum disinfectant that is both stable, safe and highly recommended for the disinfection of water features & fountains it is suitable for commercial and domestic customers.
Product Description
Huwa-San is a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) which is stabilised using a proprietary ionic silver based chemistry.
When correctly applied to water, air or any surface, Huwa-San will disinfect through an oxidisation process and continue to safely provide excellent residual performance.
Huwa-San is chlorine and alcohol-free, with no corrosive effects on usual materials of construction during application. After use, it simply degrades into harmless water and oxygen.
Product Dosage
For the control of bacteria such as Legionella and growth of algae in water features it is recommended to treat the water with up to 100ppm (parts per million) initially before allowing to settle and be maintained at 50ppm. Because hydrogen peroxide is a powerful disinfectant there are different recommendations and advisories for domestic and commercial customers.
Small Commerical Water features & Domestic Customers
Huwa-San TR5 – 5% Hydrogen Peroxide (Packs come as 6 x 1l bottles) this is a consumer grade disinfectant.
500 litre system
- Initial dose rate take system up to 100ppm as H₂O₂ which requires 1 litre of Huwa-San TR5
- Take twice weekly measurements using Peroxide test strips
- Allow system to be used and maintain at 50ppm as H₂O₂ thereafter
- Top ups calculate at 100ml of TR5 for every 10ppm drop
300 litre system
- Initial dose rate take system up to 100ppm as H₂O₂ which requires 600ml of Huwa-San TR5
- Take twice weekly measurements using Peroxide test strips
- Allow system to be used and maintain at 50ppm as H₂O₂ thereafter
- Top ups calculate at 60ml of TR5 for every 10ppm drop
Larger Commercial Water Features
Huwa-San TR50 – 50% Hydrogen Peroxide (Pack size is 12.5Kg Drum) suitable only for commercial customers, should be dosed either by dosing system or by janitorial staff with COSHH training & suitable PPE.
1000> litre systems
- Initial dose rate take system up to 100ppm as H₂O₂ which requires 200ml of Huwa-San TR50 per 1000l of system volume
- Take twice weekly measurements using Peroxide test strips
- Allow system to be used and maintain at 50ppm as H₂O₂ thereafter
- Top ups calculate at 20ml of TR50 for every 10ppm drop per 1000l of system volume
Concentrations & Pack sizes available
Huwa-San 50% – 10l, 25KG, 1000l IBC – Most Popular
Also Available (POA)
Huwa-San 20% – 10l
Huwa-San 8% (Fog) 10l
Huwa-San 5% – 1l, 5l, 10l
Huwa-San 3% – 500ml Spray, 1l, 5l, 1000l IBC
If you require other pack sizes please contact us using the contact form on this page.
Legionella Control
The bacterium Legionella pneumophila and related bacteria are common in natural water sources such as rivers, lakes and reservoirs, but usually in low numbers. Given the right conditions, Legionella bacteria can prosper in purpose-built water systems in any type of premises.
When water contaminated with Legionella bacteria forms small droplets suspended in the air (aerosol or vapour), there is a very high risk of inhalation and the potential contraction of Legionnaires disease.
Cooling towers, evaporative condensers, spa pools/jacuzzis, hot and cold water systems.
Systems that feature outlets like showers are particularly problematic, as water is turned to an aerosol and dispersed into the atmosphere.
Hospitals and nursing homes are higher risk as vulnerability to Legionnaires’ disease increases with age and pre-existing health issues.
A biofilm is a group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and adhere to a surface. Biofilms provide bacteria a habitat that is the ideal environment for survival and replication. Additionally, the dispersal stage of the biofilm life cycle (illustrated below) enables the spread and colonisation of additional surfaces.
Biofilms can be found where:
- Pipework that contains deposits that could provide a source of nutrients.
- Dead legs and/or low water flow areas exist.
- Water temperature is between 25°C and 45°C.
- Water is stored and /or recirculated.
Product Benefits
- Broad spectrum high-performance biocide effective against all kinds of bacteria, viruses, yeast, mould and spore formers
- Efficacy against Legionella pneumophila
- Environmentally friendly – practically 100% degradable breaking down to water and oxygen … (2 H2O2 = 2 H2O + O2)
- Does not create odour or alter the taste of foodstuffs treated
- Effectiveness and long-term effects are seen even at very high water temperatures
- Assessed as safe for consumption at the recommended dose rate
- No carcinogenic or mutagenic effect
- Does not react with ammonium-ions – no ‘breakpoint’
- By adding oxygen, anaerobic conditions in the cooling water are largely avoided, thus preventing the growth of sulphate-reducing bacteria (formation of corrosive hydrogen sulphide – 4 H2 + SO42- S2- + 4 H2O)
- Long-term effectiveness: reliably prevents recontamination
- Toxicology: harmless, neither carcinogenic nor mutagenic
- Storability: very long, max. loss of concentration 3% per year
- Corrosion: very low corrosive effect at recommended dose rate
- Measurement and regulation – complete installation programme available
- Expenditure for equipment resp. investment costs: negligible
- Operating costs: low
The efficacy of HuwaSan relies on its remarkable stabilisation chemistry. The silver stabiliser, which is added to the hydrogen peroxide, is a complex salt mixture formulated around ionic silver.
A silver ion is an atom of silver that is missing one electron. The outermost electrons of an atom determine the physical properties of the matter. Taking away one electron from a silver atom results in a silver ion. The ionic silver contained within Accepta HuwaSan acts as a stabiliser and a catalyst, resulting in extended stability during application and giving a half-life* of up to five weeks in potable water
HuwaSan may be considered as a ‘safe biocide’. After a 2 year safety study, the globally respected National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) gave approval for the continuous addition of HuwaSan to drinking water supplies.
The World Health Organization (WHO), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NASA have all produced documents indicating that drinking water can contain levels up to 50ppb** silver without compromising public safety. At recommended dosing levels, HuwaSan would contain less than 10ppb** of silver.
HuwaSan is truly biodegradable and leaves no harmful residuals. Post disinfection, Accepta HuwaSan degrades into water and oxygen, substances that are found naturally.
Safety, Storage & Handling
For full details concerning safety precautions, storage and handling procedures for this product please refer to the latest Safety Data Sheet. To request the latest MSDS for this product please fill out the form below.